Saturday 20 September 2014

How to make Beetroot Jam

Fed up with regular fruit jam ? ? ? ?...


Try this easy and simple Beetroot Jam for a change, definitely you will love it..

Thanks to Mrs. Renganayaki Sureshbabu for sharing this wonderful recipe.

Ingredients :
  1. Beetroot                      - 100 g
  2. Sugar                            - 100 g
  3. Cardamom                  - 3
  4. Cloves                          - 3
  5. Ghee                            - 2 tbsp
  1. Wash the beetroot thoroughly and peal the skin off. 
  2. Cut the beetroot into medium size pieces.
  3. Pour ghee into a pan and heat gently. Add the chopped beetroot and fry until it cooks on the outside.
  4. Take the pan out and pressure cook the fried beetroot till its soft. The beetroot should collapse when you squeeze it between your finger. 
  5. Allow it to cool and smash it using a blender/mixer. The paste should be very smooth. 
  6. Transfer this smooth paste into the pan and heat it with sugar and keep stirring the mix until the sugar dissolves completely.
  7. Crush the cardamom and add it to the paste with cloves.
  8. Stop stirring the mix when you get the desired consistent.
Store it in fridge and enjoy eating....

This Jam is very good side dish/dipping for Chappathi, Dosa and of course Bread.

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