Sunday 1 January 2017

How to make simple Banana Bread ????

I was in this cake shop one day and wandering around to see something interesting to look and as well as to eat. Then I saw this black and white dots center with perfectly browned outer crust cake slice and pretty sure I wanna try it.  Initially I thought it will be a different version of Plum cake, which almost look alike except the center part, but I was completely taken back once I took a bite. 

It was BANANAAAAA.. !! then asked the shop owner and he said it was Banana Bread. that softness, and sweetness of banana and the texture of bread was making some magic inside my mouth. couldnt stop myself with a slice. 

Once I am back to home, I searched for this recipe, and to my wonder, it is the very simple recipe i have come across. It reminded me something, "The most extrodinary things in the world, are always Simple" I tried this recipe couple of times before and I made minute change from actual recipe. 

I have used wheat flour with my regular flour, I find it gives a good texture compared to only regular floor. But you can use your regular flour if you dont want lit dense texture. 

Also, I have used 2 disposable, 4 x 6 inchs aluminum tray instead of regular loaf tin. I dived my batter into two parts and baked it. saves my time comparitively. I can just wrap with my cling flim and off to guests. 


         Ripe Bananas, Peeled            :  2-3  
          Egg                                          :  2
          Vanilla Extract                         :  1 tsp
          Melted Butter                           :  1/3 cup
          Baking Soda                            :  1 tsp
          Salt                                          :  1 pinch
          Sugar, Powdered                    :  1/2 cup
          All Purpose Flour/Maida         :  1 cup 
          Wheat flour                              :  1/2 cup


  • Preheat the oven to 150°C, and butter a 4x8-inch loaf pan in my case disposable aluminum trays.
  • lightly beat the eggs with vanilla extract and salt. Beat just to incorporate the ingredients.
  • Add the baking soda to you flour and sift it at-least one time. More than one time is your choice. sifting makes the flour remove lumps as well as traps air in it which helps in soft sponge.
  • In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas(completely ripe so that it will give maximum sweetness) with a fork until completely smooth. Or you can give a spin in mixer grinder which ever is comfortable for you. 
  • Stir the melted butter into the mashed bananas.
  • Stir in the sugar, beaten egg and vanilla extract mix. Fold in the flour little at a time so that no lumps formed. Don't over fold the flour as it results in hard sponge.
  • Pour the batter into your prepared loaf pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes depends upon your oven or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. If you are using tray size less than mentioned here, reduce the time accordingly. 
  • Once testing done and you are happy with the result, just slightly open the oven door and keep it like that for 5-10 mins. use a wooden spoon for support the door. once the super hot air escaped, remove the pan from oven and cool it on wire rack.
  • Don't try to remove the sponge when its hot. it always end up in sticking and breaking inside the pan. 
  • Once completely cooled, slide a knife around the edge to loosen and invert the Banana bread carefully on to a plate.
  • Cut with very sharp knife for clean cut slices.
  • Great and simple food for quick and any special occasions. Everyone will love it. :)

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